Deals and Quotes from Past Entrants

“I placed 3rd in your 2009 contest with my intro to my novella BUILDING MAGIC.  I had several requests from the judges.  I decided to follow up the requests with meetings in person with Raelene from EC, Theresa from Red Sage and Laura Bradford at the RT conference in April. It was wonderful … I have since sold BUILDING MAGIC to Red Sage, which will be out in 2010, and I sold her a full length novel, DARK HARMONY– a vampire story eventually to be the first of a trilogy — which is coming out January 1, 2010! My meeting with Laura also went well, and I am in the process of cleaning up a set of longer projects for her to look at and see if she would be interested in representing them.” ~Lilly Cain3rd Place Winner (2009)

I had just changed the opening to the book right before entering it in Chase the Dream and was thrilled that it got such a positive response. That was the opening (with more polish, of course) that finally hooked my agent and eventually sold the book. Thanks for running this contest. It really is a great opportunity and learning experience as well as a way for authors to connect with each other online …I actually had several people come up to me during RWA National conference to let me know that they had read the opening to BUTTERFLY SWORDS on the Chase the Dream blog and remembered it! “ ~Jeannie Lin, Week 4 Finalist (2009)

What has happened in my life since I won a mini-critique last March? I actually sold that book, WINNER TAKES ALL, to Desert Breeze Publishing and it was published in May, 2009. Since then, my writing life has sort of exploded and I’m not ready to stop yet. I’ve met some awesome editors that have taught me tons about the craft and I’m taking what I’ve learned and applying it to writing projects. ~Sandra Sookoo, Mini-Critique winner (2009)

I entered the first thousand words from DYAD QUEST…at the end of the contest, I was awarded third place. Raelene Gorlinsky was on the panel of Judges that year and she requested a look at DYAD QUEST and eventually offered me a contract to publish with Cerridwen Press. Since DYAD QUEST was the second book in a series of DYAD books, Cerridwen published the first book, DYAD QUEST first and then followed it up with DYAD QUEST last November … Both of you have my heartfelt, if belated, thanks for helping me on my path to publication. ~Ann Hinnenkamp, 3rd Place Winner (2009)

“I think all the contests I entered helped me with confidence. Yours was very public, too. Posting for the whole wide world 😉 So, I wanted to make it the best it could be. I was picked up by Cornerstone lit and sold to St. Martin’s this year.” ~Tiffany Clare, Entrant (2009)

“Thank you so much! Your crit did indeed help that particular book and my writing overall with an eye toward characterization and drawing in the reader. After that contest, I signed with a wonderful agent for a different book, an ex-nun PI mystery. I’m happy–no, thrilled–no, Snoopy dancing on the ceiling–to say that I now have a three-book deal for the mystery series. Look for me in a bookstore near you in Spring 2011!” ~Alice Loweecey, Mini-Critique Winner (2009)

“I thought this contest was a really encouraging experience. The mini-critiques and the finalists all received comments that came from a helpful, positive place. It was nice to see such support from other writers who understand what you’re doing.” ~Entrant (2009)

“One of the judges requested a look at the full manuscript of my entry, THE WOODSMAN and then offered me a contract on New Year’s Day 2008!  Ellora’s Cave released THE WOODSMAN in May 2008! As a nice cherry on top of all of that, THE WOODSMAN has been nominated for a N.O.R. (Night Owl Romance Reader’s Choice Award) for Best Paranormal Erotic Romance – Fall 2008!! So this dream’s been thoroughly caught! I’m now working on my next five romance manuscripts!”  ~Belle Scarlett, Week 2 Finalist (2007)

I found the mini-critique extremely helpful. It contained a couple of  ‘OMG, I’m an idiot’ revelations. When I submitted that manuscript to Freya’s Bower, they asked for more in 5 minutes!” ~Christine M, a.k.a. Charlotte “Belle” McClain, Week 4 Mini-Critique Winner (2007)

Chase the Dream is terrific!  If you’re writing romance, you should probably enter this contest.  I finaled in 2007 and received several requests from agents and editors. Good luck–I hope to see you on the finalists’ page!” ~Greta MacEachern, Week 4 Finalist (2007)

Submitting the first 1000 words of my manuscript was an exercise in brutally editing my existing opening chapter — of slashing the non-essential words or paragraphs that did not necessarily enhance the elements of writing. The result was tighter narrative and punchier dialogue, which Leigh Michaels qualified in her critique. She rightfully pointed out that I’d raised tension but then let it dissipate right away: invaluable advice and positive criticism which I’ve since addressed.” ~Vanda V, Week 9 Mini-Critique Winner (2007)

I found the short critique very helpful and used just about every suggestion. Leigh seemed to highlight exactly what was wrong with the excerpt…I sent off a requested, much improved partial just today.” ~Petrina A, Week 7 Mini-Critique Winner (2007)

How can you beat a free contest and one that allows you to improve your odds by submitting multiple times.” ~Koko BrownBonus Finalist (2007)

After making it into the finals with my 1,000 word entry, the beginning of HALF MOON RISING, I was contacted by two editors and an agent. Since I had only the beginning chapters completed at that point, I hustled that summer to produce the full manuscript and submit it. In August of 2006, I was offered a contract from Samhain Publishing. HALF MOON RISING was digitally released in e-book form on March 27, 2007 and will be released in trade paperback on October 28, 2007.” ~Nancy Glaubius, writing as Margo Lukas, 1st Place Winner (2006)

As a direct result of the contest, I had an editor contact me about my manuscript. Although I hadn’t yet finished that book, she showed interest in all my writing and offered to look at any project I wished to send to her. As an indirect result, being a Chase the Dream finalist gave me a huge confidence boost, which benefited all my novels, and one of them won the 2007 Golden Heart in Strong Romantic Elements.” ~Marilyn Weigel, writing as Marilyn Brant, 2nd Place Winner (2006)

I actually haven’t sold the story that placed in the Chase the Dream contest, but the momentum of the placement helped my confidence to pursue a writing career. I’m now published with Ellora’s Cave and The Wild Rose Press under my pen name, KyAnn Waters.” ~Lisa MacDonald, writing as KyAnn Waters, 3rd Place Winner (2006)

It encouraged me to believe in my work. I entered it in two national RWA contests and won second place in short contemporary category of Touched By Love, the inspirational romance contest sponsored by Faith, Hope & Love. I got a request for a partial which didn’t pan out but got a second request for a partial which is now being looked at by The Wild Rose Press.” ~Anna Taylor Sweringen, Week 3 Finalist (2006)

I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Chase the Dream contest, and would recommend it to anyone.” ~Michelle Diener, Week 4 Finalist (2006)

One response

28 07 2010
5th Annual “Chase the Dream” Contest « Chase the Dream Writers Contest

[…] Past finalists have landed agents and book deals as a result of the contest. In 2011, it could be YOU! […]